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[O the lingering misery]

O the lingering misery,
Saviour, of not loving Thee!
O the endless pains I prove,
Tortured with the want of love!
Love would all my evils heal,
All I fear and all I feel,
Draw the dire envenom'd dart,
Angry pride, out of my heart.
Every appetite subdue,
Every vile affection too,
End this cruel war within,
Quite expel the love of sin.
Love would all my wishes fill,
Fashion'd after Thy own will,
Make me meet to live or die,
Give me wings to reach the sky.
Love would my salvation be,
Essence of the Deity,
Fix my mind on things above,
Make me one with Him I love.


Come, then, O my Friend Divine,
Knit my willing heart to Thine;
Saviour to the utmost Thou,
Give the pure affection now.
Now baptize my soul with fire,
Fervours of intense desire,
Such as in the Godhead glow'd,
Took the manhood into God.
Such as brought Immanuel down,
Crown'd Thee with a thorny crown,
Nail'd Thee to the torturing tree,
Pour'd out all Thy blood for me.
Yet unless my Lord I know,
Lost were all Thy pangs below;
Thee unless I love again,
All Thy blood was spill'd in vain.
Still if my iniquity
Separates betwixt God and me,
Saviour of the sinful kind,
Call Thy suffering days to mind.
Still if unbelief withstands,
Read my name upon Thy hands,
Hear the blood that speaks for me,
O remember Calvary!
There Thy last expiring groan
Did for all my sins atone,
Did whate'er I want procure,
More than make my pardon sure.
There Thou diedst for me to buy
Power at Thy dear cross to lie,
Power the mountains to remove,
Power to weep, believe, and love.