University of Virginia Library

[In Liverpool's good easy times]


Tune—The Vicar of Bray.

In Liverpool's good easy times,
When church and king no harm meant,
I stuck to old Shute Barrington,
And so I got preferment.
By Scarlett's help, the radicals
O' the Durham press I stampt on,
And on the hustings, day-by-day,
I bearded yellow Lambton.
And this is law I shall maintain,
And sure it is no vain hope,


That if I stick by powers that be,
I'll be the vicar o' Stanhope.
I wrote a letter very fine,
Frank Jeffrey all defying;
I knew the fellow would not fight,
And so I called him lying.
I published, too, a book so smart,
That all the Papists flouted;
Which sweet Jack Copley got by heart,
And in the Commons spouted.
And, &c.
But under good Duke Wellington
The times are altered fairly;
His Grace has eaten all his words—
Belied himself most rarely.
And so Old Nick take Barrington,
To whom I owed my station;
Ascendancy the de'il may sweep
Huzza for 'mancipation!
And, &c.
O'Connell is a pretty youth—
Jack Doyle a lively scholar—
Old Eldon's creed, since lost his place,
I prize not half a dollar.
Gulph down—gulph down, old thoughts, old oaths,
Curse on each ancient bias;
And if 'twould get a bishoprick,
God save our Lord Pope Pius!
And, &c.