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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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CCIII. 2 Kings, Chap. XXI. to Ver. 19. Chap. XXII, XXIII. to Ver. 3.
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CCIII. 2 Kings, Chap. XXI. to Ver. 19. Chap. XXII, XXIII. to Ver. 3.

Amon succeeds. His wicked Reign. Josiah succeeds him. His early Piety. He reads the Book of the Law; sends to Huldah the Prophetess. Renews the Covenant, &c.

What most Apostate Amon's Reign commends,
Is that so late begun, so soon it Ends:
Yet this almost might for his Crimes attone,
That he the Nation bless'd with such a Son,
Josiah left, to fill and grace the Throne:
In Childhood he his shining Race began,
Pious when young, a Saint before a Man:
Nor ever did from David's God depart,
To whom in Life's sweet Dawn he gave his Heart.
His Nobles to the House of God he sends,
And every Breach with pious Care amends:
Hilkiah then the sacred Miter bore,
Which his Great Ancestors from Aaron wore:
The Lords to him the Peoples Offerings bring,
He sends a greater Treasure to the King;
Th'oraculous Volumes which the Law contain,
And long ith' Temple had neglected lain;


These did learn'd Shaphan to the Monarch bear,
He read the dreadful Plagues and Curses there,
Which Heav'n did for the sinful Land prepare:
Josiah trembling heard, his Robes he rent,
And to enquire of God his Nobles sent,
If yet he might the hov'ring Plague prevent.
And now the sacred Spirit did only rest,
(From Men departed) in a Female Breast:
Wise Huldah she, the College her abode,
Respected there of Men, belov'd of God:
The Seeds of great Events he made her see,
When lab'ring yet in the divine Decree,
Weak Embryo-Forms, and pressing on to Be.
Consulted by the Lords, she thus replies,
While Floods of boding Tears invade her Eyes:
To him that sent you, heavy Tidings bear,
And thus from Israel's injur'd Pow'r declare.
Mischief and Woe on this devoted Place,
On all the Natives, all their impious Race;
Thus saith Lord, I, I my self, will bring,
And all the Curses read to Judah's King;
Because from me th'ungrate Apostates turn'd,
To vain and Idol-Gods have Incense burn'd:
Full Vials of my Wrath I'll on them pour,
And them with Flames unquenchable, devour.
To Judah's King, too good for such a Land,
These happier Tidings bear by Heav'ns Command.


Because thy tender Heart was touch'd with Fear,
When late thou didst my awful Threatnings hear;
While Peace remains thou to the Grave shalt go,
Nor see thy Country's fatal over-throw.
Josiah heard, and labour'd to prevent
The threaten'd Vengeance—he for Judah sent,
To try if yet, if yet they wou'd repent:
To God's high Temple he th'Assembly leads,
And in their Ears the Law of Moses reads:
The King against a Marble Column stood,
The sacred Compact he with God renew'd:
Ah! wou'd the faithless Nation this maintain,
Jerusalem might still prolong her Reign,
And Babel's haughty Town might Arm her Sons in vain.