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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Secundo in specie nube.

Þo secunde poynt is of our speche
þat God his gost schewed has
In clowdes lykenes, As lyues leche,
& be gode skyll þat werke don has.
for A cloude ȝe mone wele see
þat from þo erthe is houen heghe,
Refresshes, in heyte ȝif þat hit be,
And rayne engendres to be neghe.


So dos þo Holy Gost I-wis
qwo-so he filles of his godenes,
he mas hom to for-sake worldly blis
And heues hor hertes to hom expres.

Ezechielis viijo: Eleuauit me spiritus inter celum & terram. Item Gregorius: Gustato spiritu de[si]pit omnis caro, &c.

Also hit dose grete refresshyng
oȝayne heyte brennyng of vice,
And þer-as he will be lengyng
nothyng þat is lodely lys.
Therfor quen Gabriell Mary grett,
he sayd þo Holy Gost shuld lyȝt
In hyr & chadowe oboute hyr sett
þurgh vertu of God most of myȝt.

Spiritus sanctus superueniet in te & virtus altissimi, &c.

Þat is as meche to vnderstonde
þat chadowe hyr he wolde so with blis,
And to slekke all vices so he wold fonde
þat he shuld no way do mys,
With water, to tell I will nout wonde,
Of þo Holy Goost i-wis,
ffor slekkyng water þurgh Goddes sonde
þo Holy Gost skekket wele is.

Iohannis septimo: fflumina de ventre eius fluent Aque viue. Hoc autem dixit de spiritu sancto, quem erant Accepturi credentes in eum, &c.

ffor God calles his gost so,
As saynt Iohan wytnes her,
þer-for in clowde of water thoo
hyt semed wele he shuld aper.
Tho thrid godenes of Goddes gost
þat he engendres in comyng,
rayne of teres & wayues boost
In monnes herte with sorwe remyng,


Ryȝt As þo clowde engendres rayne,
Ryȝt so teres engendres he,
þer-for to schwe hym he wos bayne
In cloude lykenes, As rede we.

Psalmus: Flauit spiritus eius & fluent aque, videlicet lacrimarum, &c.