University of Virginia Library


The heavenly angel watched his subject star,

This line is in accordance with the belief that the stars are guarded by celestial intelligences, to the prevalence of which many passages in the sacred writings bear testimony, and from which may be inferred a possibility that each inhabited and separate planet may, in reality, be under the care of some delegate spirit. Saturnius of Antioch taught that “the world and its first inhabitants were created by seven angels, which presided over the seven planets;” and that “the work was carried on without the knowledge of the benevolent deity, and in opposition to the material principle. The former, however, beheld it with approbation, and honored it with several marks of his beneficence.”

Many singular systems of this kind are classed under the name of heresies by Mosheim.

O'er all that's good and fair benignly smiling:
The sighs of wounded love he hears from far;
Weeps that he cannot heal, and wafts a hope beguiling.