University of Virginia Library

[SECT. 19.]

And it is accordingly hereafter enacted, that if the sum granted by parliament as aforesaid, shall not be received within this government on or before the thirty-first day of March, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, then, and in such case, the several acts of this province for drawing in the said bills, and all and every part of said acts, shall be and continue in full force, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding, and all and every part of this act shall be void and have no further effect.

Saving always, that whereas the sum of one hundred and thirty thousand five hundred pounds in said bills of credit, is engaged by said acts to be drawn in by a tax in the year one thousand seven hundred and forty-nine, and by this act provision is made for drawing seventy-five thousand pounds, part of said sum only, in said year, which part of this act may have had its effect, and the time will be elapsed for drawing in the remaining part of said one hundred and thirty thousand five hundred pounds,—

Be it therefore hereby enacted and declared,