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—The Cloisters of a ruined Abbey, overgrown with Ivy—an archway backed with Ruins; under the archway an appearance of shelter from the weather—shattered Ruins practicable over it, from an ascent through the arch.
enters musing.
These tardy minions! yes—they must succeed—
The subterraneous pass they have secure!
That, Mary must be mine, fate has decreed,
I'll meet them—this suspence who can endure?


Enter two or three Monks of St. Andrew, bearing dispatches for Alleyn; principal Monk gives them to a Brother, pointing out the path he is to pursue— the second Monk goes off the side on which Malcolm had made his exit—the other on the opposite— a storm commences.—Enter Donald, &c. dragging on Mary, to shelter themselves, they enter the archway bearing her out of sight—the remainder kindle a fire, and are sitting down to regale themselves before it, when Alleyn wildly enters—a scream from Mary arrests his attention—he demands the cause— they answer him with their drawn swords.—Mary rushes forward on the Ruins, over the archway, followed


by Donald, with an uplifted dagger—Edric darts on, perceives her danger, and, while Alleyn is engaged with his assailants, ascends the Ruins, and attacks Donald—Alleyn, having vanquished his opponents, flies towards Mary, who leaps into his arms, Edric stabbing the faithless Donald.—At this period Osbert and his Clan enter, and perceiving his Sister in the arms of Alleyn, enraged, draws, and commands him to defend himself—Alleyn discards his weapon, and bids Osbert strike—Mary throws herself as a barrier between—Osbert drops his sword —Edric brings on Donald wounded, who just retains sufficient strength to exclaim:

“Alleyn is Innocent.”

Which he confirms by an appeal to Heaven, and expires—Osbert embraces Alleyn, when Old Alleyn and Janet, almost breathless, enter, he bearing a rich casket.

O. All.
Where, where is young Alleyn! my wits are scared,
I've ran so fast—I'm near out of breath!

My Brother he asks for—no—no—'tis a Laird,
Whom near expiring he sav'd from death.


O. All.
The story's long; but it must be told,
One dreadful eve did the tempest roar;
The rain beat hard, and the wind blew cold,
And a stranger tapp'd at our Cottage door.

A Lady enter'd all rich array'd,
A tender Babe in her arms she bore;

That I wou'd protect him earnestly pray'd,
Begged secrecy—sigh'd—and spoke no more!
Long since 'tis many an hour has flown!
I rock'd the Bairn full oft on my knee;
Had him Alleyn call'd—he thriv'd as my Son,

And Alleyn he proved a good Son unto thee!

This Casket stored with many a gem,
When twenty years he had pass'd and a day;
The Family Tree of which he was a stem,
I solemnly vow'd I to him would display.

Kneeling to Alleyn he opens the Casket, glittering with costly gems, from which he draws the following scroll:

“The Owner of these Jewels is the wronged Heir to Dunbayne's Domains.”

Osbert embraces him affectionately, joins his hand to Mary's, and all exeunt exultingly.

Malcolm gloomily re-enters with a wounded Vassal, from whom he learns Donald's and Mary's fate


—the Monk of St. Andrew returns, having lost his path, and addresses Malcolm.

To Athlin Castle I this packet bear,
Bewilder'd in my path—say, is it near?

Malcolm appears elated, a thought seeming to strike him, that the Monk's habit will forward his views!—entices him under the archway—dispatches him—and, as he groans, rushes forward with the packet and his habit, &c. in which he arrays himself.
This be my passport to weak Osbert's dome,
Hate nerves my arm, and Vengeance bids strike home!
