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De Monfort

A Tragedy

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An apartment in the convent, opening into another room, whose low arched door is seen at the bottom of the stage. In one corner a monk is seen kneeling. Enter another monk, who, on perceiving him, stops till he rises from his knees, and then goes eagerly up to him.
1st monk.
How is the prisoner?

2d monk
(pointing to the door).
He is within, and the strong hand of death
Is dealing with him.

1st monk.
How is this, good brother?
Methought he brav'd it with a manly spirit;
And led, with shackled hands, his sister forth,
Like one resolv'd to bear misfortune bravely.

2d monk.
Yes, with heroic courage, for a while
He seem'd inspir'd; but soon depress'd again,
Remorse and dark despair o'erwhelm'd his soul:
And, from the violent working of his mind,
Some stream of life within his breast has burst;
For many a time, within a little space,
The ruddy tide has rush'd into his mouth.
God grant his pains be short!

1st monk.
How does the lady?

2d monk.
She sits and bears his head upon her lap.
Wiping the cold drops from his ghastly face
With such a look of tender wretchedness,
It wrings the heart to see her.
How goes the night?

1st monk.
It wears, methinks, upon the midnight hour.
It is a dark and fearful night; the moon
Is wrapp'd in sable clouds; the chill blast sounds
Like dismal lamentations. Ay, who knows
What voices mix with the dark midnight winds?
Nay, as I pass'd that yawning cavern's mouth,
A whisp'ring sound, unearthly, reach'd my ear,
And o'er my head a chilly coldness crept.
Are there not wicked fiends and damned sprites,
Whom yawning charnels, and th' unfathom'd depths
Of secret darkness, at this fearful hour,
Do upwards send, to watch, unseen, around
The murd'rer's death-bed, at his fatal term,
Ready to hail with dire and horrid welcome,
Their future mate?—I do believe there are.


2d monk.
Peace, peace! a God of wisdom and of mercy,
Veils from our sight—Ha! hear that heavy groan.

[A groan heard within.
1st monk.
It is the dying man.

[Another groan.
2d monk.
God grant him rest!
[Listening at the door.
I hear him struggling in the gripe of death.
O piteous heaven!
[Goes from the door.
Enter Brother Thomas from the chamber.
How now, good brother?

Retire, my friends. O many a bed of death
With all its pangs and horrors I have seen,
But never aught like this! Retire, my friends!
The death-bell will its awful signal give,
When he has breath'd his last.
I would move hence, but I am weak and faint:
Let me a moment on thy shoulder lean.
Oh, weak and mortal man!

[Leans on 2d monk: a pause.
Enter Bernard from the chamber.
2d monk.
(to Bern.)
How is your penitent?

He is with Him who made him; Him, who knows
The soul of man: before whose awful presence
Th' unsceptred tyrant stands despoil'd and helpless,
Like an unclothed babe.
[Bell tolls.
The dismal sound!
Retire, and pray for the blood-stained soul:
May heav'n have mercy on him!
[Bell tolls again.