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Crazy Jane

A Romantic Play, In Three Acts

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—A wild rocky Glen, overgrown with thorns and briars—a rude hut, L.—a tree, with a seat or bank of flowers under it.
Enter Jane, wildly, her hair in disorder, R. U. E.
Follow me not, my lord!—In pity spare me!
Bid me to plunge into the raging ocean,


Nurse serpents in my bosom, sport with tigers,
Or drink in copious draughts the rankest poison,
And I'll obey; but ask me not again
To be your wife— [Shuddering.]
—No!—That were hell on earth!

[Looking wildly around.
I am safe now—he will not find me here!
Here in this dreary wilderness I'll dwell;
These rugged rocks—these naked thorns and briars,
Are emblems of my fate!—This is my home!
[Takes the dove out of her bosom, and reclines on the ground.
Sweet innocent companion of my woes!
My fellow-mourner!—We are both lovelorn
Thy mate's untrue to thee, as mine to me.
Perchance he, too, is dead; but, my sweet bird,
Mourn not, for I will keep thee in my bosom.
Yet what would that avail thee? This poor heart
Is now as cold and comfortless as ice!
Ah, me!—We are both poor and destitute!
Heaven pity us!
[Kisses the dove, replaces it in her bosom, and rises wildly.
Henry faithless!—Henry dead!
Beauty blighted!—Reason fled!
Wonder not poor Jane ran wild,
When her father curs'd his child,
And her lover prov'd untrue!
Have you ever lov'd? Or you?
Have you felt the joy and gladness
When at eve your love return'd?
Have you felt the cruel sadness,
When affection he has spurn'd?
Maidens, wonder not to find
Base deception in mankind.
Lovers seem sincere and tender
During courtship, sighing, praying;
But, when you your hearts surrender,
Then they glory in betraying,
And you look for love in vain,
As was the lot of Crazy Jane!
AIR—Crazy Jane.
“Fondly my young heart receiv'd him,
Which was form'd to love but one;
He vow'd—he swore, and I believ'd him:
He was false, and I undone!
“From that hour has reason never
Held her empire o'er my brain;
Henry fled!—With him for ever
Fled the wits of Crazy Jane!”

[Exit into hut, L.