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—Another part of the Forest.
Nay, no resistance, Jew! Come on, mad wags!

Robin Hood, Wamba, and Ivanhoe, enter.
Robin Hood.
It is his voice—and Scarlet with his band.

Tuck entering with Isaac, followed by Scarlet and Foresters.
Room for your holy Clerk, my merry men!
I come, like to an eagle, with my prey
Clutched in my talons. Shout, merry men!

The Christian shepherds these!

Robin Hood.
What, Isaac! thou art safe—I think, mad Clerk,
The wine speaks out of thee,

St. Dunstan, now!
But wine's your only orator; he deals
Such tropes, such flourishes, and aye, speaks truth,
While this same sneaking, false, cold-blooded knave,
This soberness, will lie you by the hour,
And sixty to the hour.

Robin Hood.
But why is this?
I mean this holy war against poor Isaac.

He is a captive to my spear and shield—Stand forth;
Rehearse to them my valor.

Oh! alas!
I am confounded; this old brain doth totter.

Robin Hood.
Where didst thou find him?

In the cellar, where
They found me quite exhausted: quite.
Speak ye, my friends; now was not I exhausted.

Aye; and the wine-but too.

Ye lie, ye pagans;
Ye worse than pagans! But what recks this? The Jew


Is a converted Jew, and knows his creed,
His ave and his pater as well—no—
Nearly as well as I do.

Robin Hood.
Is it so?
Say, Jew, hast thou renounced thy unbelief?

Renounce the faith of my forefathers! Horror!
Scorn would hiss at me living, and, when dead,
My bones would rest with strangers.

Dost recant?
I'll jerk thee, infidel.

He attempts to strike the Jew, when Wamba interposes his wand.
Robin Hood.
No quarrels, bully Clerk; do on your frock,
For here's a brother.

I do kiss thy hand;
But for the Jew, I scorn him with my heels.

He puts on his Friar's frock, as a party of Foresters lead on the Prior Aymer.
Ha! brother mine;
St. Andrew's day with us; we're taking tythes.

Gurth rushes in.
To rescue, or she's lost.

Robin Hood.
Who's lost?


My daughter!—When?—Where? Speak!—Speak!

De Bracy, flying with the wounded Brian,
Pass'd by the cot, and tore her from my arms;
Too feeble 'gainst the number that fled with them.

And do I feel no more? Where are the sighs
The groans, the tears! that sorrow's winter pours
On frozen hearts? Oh, then our earth is sick,
When seasons from their wonted liv'ry change,
And winter frowns most gloomy in its stillness.


During the Jew's speech, Robin Hood has listened to Gurth.
Robin Hood.
An half hour since they fled? How could'st thou waste
The tenth part of that time in coming here?

They bound me, and 'twas long or ere I broke
Those bonds.

My cowl then to a beggar's cap,
They're gone to Templestowe.

At Templestowe—A hapless place for me
And for my race—Near those proud walls,
Her buried mother sleeps the sleep of death.
When shall thy servant rest his weary head
Upon death's pillow? Oh, my day has been
A long, a weary one! I fain would sleep.

Robin Hood.
I have it—Prior—
The Prior is brought forward.
Write thou to thy friend;
If in three hours he does not yield the maid,
Her honor, too, unscath'd, I'll hang thee up
On yonder oak.

Promotion, brother, mine.

You mean it not.

Robin Hood.
I swear it, by yon Sun!

Well, then, it must be so.

The Prior writes in his Tablets.
Robin Hood.
You'll bear the scroll to Templestowe; 'tis scarce
Two miles from hence; shalt have the Prior's mule
To help thy speed.

God bless thee, Christian!

Robin Hood.
Up, old man;—beshrew thy woman's heart!—

Prior gives the Letter to Robin Hood.
Robin Hood.
Here; take the scroll; the mule's by yonder elms.


We soon shall meet again, and then I'll thank thee.
(Exit Isaac.

Robin Hood.
Look to the Prior, Tuck.

I'll keep him fast:
Come, brother, mine.

Robin Hood.
And bear a sober brain.

St. Dunstan now! you talk of what I drink,
But, never speak of this same wicked thirst
That still torments me.

Robin Hood.
Hie thee hence, mad clerk.
Tuck and Foresters go out with the Prior. Robin Hood turns to Gurth, who, during this, has stood with his face in his Cloak.
Why, Gurth,—art deaf, or dumb?

Would I were nothing
Or any thing but that I am. I ne'er
Can face my master.

Robin Hood.
All will yet be well;
Come, man—a cup makes all things even—come,

(Exit Robin Hood, leading out Gurth.