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Thyrsis and Phillis.
Arcadian Pan! whose happy Influence yields
Health to our Flocks, and Plenty to our Fields:


If ere the Thoughts of Syrinx warm'd your Soul,
Or when to kinder Dryope you stole,
Suspend your Rage, assist my amorous Pray'r,
And to her Thyrsis give the matchless Fair.

[Advances to draw.
Goddess of the dimp'ling Smile,
Quit, ah! quit thy fav'rite Isle;
Crown'd with Myrtle Wreath, advance;
From the Hand of giddy Chance
Snatch the Pow'r to make me bless'd,
Be it thine to ease my Breast.
In her Ivory Car the fair Queen I behold,
Her Cygnets in Trappings of Purple and Gold;
Displaying their Pinions I see the young Loves,
All brighter than Sun-shine, all soft as her Doves.
With Raptures, O Venus, I bow at thy Shrine:
She whispers me softly, Young Thyrsis is thine.

O happy Thyrsis! let the Hills around,
And every Valley, catch the pleasing Sound:
Waft it, ye Breezes, to the Cyprian Shore;
Thyrsis is blest, and asks of Fate no more.

[Embraces Phillis.