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The Castle of Poliphontes.
Poliphontes. Erox.
She has her Views, I mine.—I shou'd have fear'd,
Some Hint's officious Reach had touch'd her Ear;
I shou'd have dreamt, her Eyes had catch'd some Glance,
To guide Discovery, down the dark Abyss,
Where my close Crime lies veil'd, in dumb Obscurity.
—But, that I know, she is a WOMAN—Erox!
And born to be capricious.

Pride—not Distaste,
Holds out her Heart, against you.

Let her keep it.
My Hope is humbler, Erox. 'Tis her Hand
I seek: Hearts are Girls' Gifts to School-boy Lovers.
Now, let her Spleen start wild. When Time serves aptly,
Means shall be found to curb it—Thou art come
From sounding this fierce captive Son of Wonder.
What have thy Thoughts concluded?

'Tis not He.
No Race of Hercules need, there, alarm you.
This but some rural Brave, of simple Nurture;
Void of Ambition's Flame: Bold, blunt and honest:


Fearless of Menace, tasteless of Reward,
And wanting ev'n the Wish, to dare, for Power.
He cannot be Eumenes.

Who, then, is he?

He says he is a Shepherd's Son:—what, more,
He will not be provok'd, nor brib'd, to tell.
Firm without Fierceness; without Weakness, gentle:
Open as Day-light; yet, as dumb, as Death!
Spite of my Prejudice, he forc'd my Praise;
And Hatred must admire him.

Praise him on.
Be what, or whom, he may, 'tis fit he die.
The People, who conclude his Punishment
Inflicted, for Eumenes' fansied Murder,
Will dream that Race extinct; and cleave to Me.
So Danger comes less near: Nor shakes my Throne.
—What hast thou learnt, of that conceal'd Presumer,
Who, when the Arm of Merope was rais'd,
Restrain'd it, with some Power that touch'd her Soul?

The young Man call'd him Father. Chance, it seems,
In that nice Moment, brought him to his View.
He mov'd the Queen's Compassion, for his Son,
Fled, like a Wanton, from the Good Man's Care,
Who, in his Search, came sorrowing on, from Elis.

I cannot trust this Tale. Thou grow'st too credulous,
Mysterious Caution hangs too thick a Veil
O'er all their late Proceedings. That old Man,
Left the Queen's Presence, starting, at my Entrance.
Why was he hid, if a young Rustick's Father?
Why shou'd my coming fright him? He has heard
Since then, his Son's redoubled Danger dwells
But in my Menace: Yet he comes not near me.
I had, ere now, beheld him at my Feet,


Had his Heart trembled with a Father's Terrors.

See, Sir! he's free—and mark—the Queen, how near!

I note it, and determine.
—Now! my Sister.