University of Virginia Library


Isabella, Glanville.
The gate is clos'd against her, never more
(If right I read her doom) to give her entrance.
Thus far, my Isabella, our designs
Glide smoothly on. The hand of Prudence is
To me the hand of Providence.

How weak, how blind is human prudence found!
I wish, and hope indeed, that screen'd beneath
The shades of night, which hide these darker deeds,
We too may lie conceal'd: but ah, my hopes
Are dash'd with fear, lest day's broad eye at length
Flash on our secret guilt, and bring detection.

If thy vain fears betray us not, we're safe.
Observe me well.—Had I the least surmise,
That struck by conscience, or by phantoms awed,
Thou now would'st shrink—and leave me, or betray—
By all the terrors that would shake my soul
To perpetrate the deed, thou too should'st fall!

And can'st thou then suspect, that after all


I've done to prove my love, I should betray thee?
O Glanville! thou art yet it seems to learn,
That in her fears tho' weak, a woman's love
Inspires her breast with strength above her sex.

Forgive me, Isabella, I suspect
Thee not; but this hot fever burning in
My brain, distracts my reason. Yes, I know
Thee faithful, and will hence be calm.

Indeed my heart so wholly has been thine,
That thou hast form'd its temper to thy wish.

Think on my warmth no more. I was to blame.
But come, my love, our chief, our earliest care
Must be to give loud Rumour instant voice,
That both detected in their loose amour
Are fled together. Whisper thou the tale
First to the servants, in whose listening ears
Suspicions are already sown; while I
Th' unwelcome tydings to her sire convey.

[Exit Isabella one way, and as Glanville is going out the other, he meets a servant.
My lady's brother, sir, young Beaufort, just
Arriv'd, enquires for you, or for his sister.

Attend him in.—The letters of Sifroy
Have reach'd their hands. My story of her flight
Will, like a closing witness well prepar'd,
Confirm her guilt.

[Enter Beaufort Junior.