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The Tragedy of Richard the Third

with the Landing of Earle Richmond, and the Battell at Bosworth Field

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Scena Quarta.
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Scena Quarta.

Enter Derby, and Sir Christopher.
Sir Christopher, tell Richmond this from me,
That in the stye of the most deadly Bore,
My Sonne George Stanley is frankt vp in hold:
If I reuolt, off goes yong Georges head,
The feare of that, holds off my present ayde.
So get thee gone: commend me to thy Lord.
Withall say, that the Queene hath heartily consented
He should espouse Elizabeth hir daughter.
But tell me, where is Princely Richmond now?

At Penbroke, or at Hertford West in Wales.

What men of Name resort to him.

Sir Walter Herbert, a renowned Souldier,
Sir Gilbert Talbot, Sir William Stanley,
Oxford, redoubted Pembroke, Sir Iames Blunt,
And Rice ap Thomas, with a valiant Crew,
And many other of great name and worth:
And towards London do they bend their power,
If by the way they be not fought withall.

Well hye thee to thy Lord: I kisse his hand,
My Letter will resolue him of my minde.
