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Fedele and Fortvnio

The deceites in Loue : excellently discoursed in a very pleasaunt and fine conceited Comoedie, of two Italian Gentlemen

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Scena quarta.

Enter Medusa, with a Pedlers Basket vnder her arme, to Fortunio.
My toyle so great, rewarde so small, that euery man dooth giue,
Hath made me weary of my trade, vncertaine how to liue.

Well met Medusa, whether goest thou with thy Packe so late?

I was abroade to sell my wares, at euery Ladies gate.
But being ouertaken thus by night, I hie me home,

Till Fortune send a better market, for the worlde is done.

What hast thou solde?

Nothing but wordes,

What hast thou got?

Nothing but winde:

That market thou mighst well haue kept, and yet haue left thy Packe behinde,

Not so, for by the carriage that within my prettie Packe I haue,
I enter in those Ladies chambers, that I finde both fine and braue.
And vnder colour of the trifles I beare about to sell,
I pleade for such as you good Syr, that feele by loue the force of hell.

What hast thou there?

Calles Gorgets, Heares, Powders to make a Ball,
Vallentia Gloues, and Venice Rolles, to rubbe the teeth withall.
Laces, Purses, Rings, Buskes, Wyers, and Glasses fine,
Bracelettes, Perfumes, Stilled waters, Sops in wine.
Pinnes, Bodkins, Staies, and other kinde of stuffe,
No more but tell me what you lacke, and you shall haue ynough.
A thousand knackes I haue, to vtter, which I must be slow,
Because they are so secret, as becomes not you to knowe.

Neither am I importunate, to wring it out of thee,
Yet must I craue thee now, to showe thy selfe a friend to mee.


Euen in the loue that I to faire Virginia beare.

I doubte it is too harde a taske, she loues Fedele so,
That she by no meanes can be wonne, Fedele to forgo.

Yet doe thy best, to moue my sute.

The best I can I will,
And ransacke euery corner of my wittes to shewe my skill.
Either it must be done by crafte, or Magicke, which you please,

By Crafte, or Magicke, which you liste, so I may purchase ease.

Sir, first by deceit I'le trie how I can bring the same about,
If shiftes doe faile, Enchaunted herbes shall put you out of doubt.
I will vnto her lodging straight, and stay your comming there,
Within an houre or halfe, to followe, see you doe not feare.
I'le tell her that I meane to bring Fedele to her bed,
When lightes are out, and sleepe is crept into her fathers head.
When you are in and halfe vnbraste, a tumult will I make,
And call her father vp, you in her chamber there to take.
You know age will suspect the worst, and when he sees you so,
Will force you then to marrie her, whether shee will or no.
Besides, when that the brute heer of is blowen in euery place,
Fedele and all other suters, will forsake the chace.
Loe, thus by subtiltie you shall possesse the dame you crau'de,
And yet by me when all is tolde, her honour shall be sau'de.

This is as well as can be wishte, depart I pray thee straight.

I goe, forget not you to come.
