University of Virginia Library


Two Pilgrimes to the Shrine of our Lady of Loretto.
1. Pilg.
I haue not seene a goodlier Shrine then this,
Yet I haue visited many.

2. Pilg.
The Cardinall of Arragon
Is, this day to resigne his Cardinals hat,
His sister Duchesse likewise is arriu'd
To pay her vow of Pilgrimage, I expect
A noble Ceremony.

1. Pilg.
No question:—They come.

Here the Ceremony of the Cardinalls enstalment, in the habit a Souldier: perform'd in deliuering vp his Crosse, Hat, Robes, and Ring, at the Shrine; and inuesting him with Sword, Helmet, Sheild, and Spurs: Then Antonio, the Duchesse, and their Children, (hauing presented themselues at the Shrine) are (by a forme of Banishment in dumbe-shew, expressed towards them by the Cardinall, and the State of Ancona) banished: During all which Ceremony, this Ditty is sung (to very sollemne Musique) by diuers Church-men; and then Exeunt.

Armes, and Honors, decke thy story,
To thy Fames eternall glory,
Aduerse Fortune euer flie-thee,

The Author disclaimes this Ditty to be his.

No disastrous fate come nigh-thee.
I alone will sing thy praises,
Whom to honour, vertue raises;
And thy study, that diuine-is,
Bent to Marshiall discipline-is:
Lay aside all those robes lie by thee,
Crown thy arts, with armes: they'll beutifie thee.
O worthy of worthiest name, adorn'd in this manner,
Lead brauely thy forces on, vnder wars warlike banner:
O mayst thou proue fortunate, in all Marshiall courses,
Guide thou still, by skill, in artes, and forces:
Victory attend thee nigh,whilst fame sings loud thy powres,
Triumphant conquest crowne thy head, and blessings powre downe showres.

Here's a strange turne of state, who would haue thought
So great a Lady, would haue match'd her selfe
Vnto so meane a person? yet the Cardinall
Beares himselfe much too cruell.

2. Pilg.
They are banish'd.

1. Pilg.
But I would aske what power hath this state
Of Ancona, to determine of a free Prince?

2. Pilg.
They are a free state sir, and her brother shew'd
How that the Pope fore-hearing of her loosenesse,
Hath seaz'd into th'protection of the Church
The Dukedome, which she held as dowager.

1. Pil.
But by what iustice?

2. Pilg.
Sure I thinke by none,
Only her brothers instigation.

1. Pilg.
What was it, with such violence he tooke
Of from her finger?

2. Pil.
'Twas her wedding ring,

Which he vow'd shortly he would sacrifice
To his reuenge.

1. Pilg.
Alasse Antonio,
If that a man be thrust into a well,
No matter who sets hand to't, his owne weight
Will bring him sooner to th'bottome: Come, let's hence.
Fortune makes this conclusion generall,
“All things do helpe th'unhappy man to fall.
