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New poems

by Katharine Tynan

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I sit beneath pink apple boughs;
By me the blackbird has a house;
There are five little speckled eggs in the nest
And over them a brooding breast.
I look on two tall poplar-trees.
This is the Garden of Heart's Ease;
Beyond the poplars and the pine
The hills make a long, lovely line.
There's a small cottage, ivy-clad,
The soul within it, old and glad,
Looks from the windows and is wise,
The windows are its quiet eyes.
A bean-field breathes its sweetest sweets
Into these hidden, green retreats.
Lilac, laburnum, wallflowers, all,
Close gathered by the privet wall.


The bee, the butterfly invade
This maze of flowers in a green shade.
Under the gnarlèd trees there grow
Green peas and cabbage in a row.
A stone's-throw off the plovers cry,
The small streams tinkle silverly;
All day the sheep and lambs lament,
The cuckoo calls his deep content.
Sweetly the cottage eaves invite
To rest by day, to sleep by night,
Like an old nurse who rocks to rest
Tired children on her tender breast.
Oh, sweet and hidden place of peace!
This is the Garden of Much Ease;
And over it the heavenly skies,
And round it deepest silences.