University of Virginia Library



To the Lady Glenconner for Heartsease
I build a strong tower for the children, the children;
With moat and portcullis I keep it still.
The foe clangs without but within it the children
Sleep soundly and sweetly till cock-crow shrill.
I wage a Holy War for the children, the children;
My hand against the world that they may live.
I am cunning and crafty as the fox for her children,
Wise as the serpent lest the children grieve.
I build a warm fire for the children, the children.
To my tower oft beleaguered allies I call;
They shine like the sun to the eyes of the children;
God's men-at-arms keep us by gate and wall.
I leave in safe keeping the children, the children.
Down to the cities my way I take,
Past the walls and the sentry, alert for the children,
I creep in the shadows for the children's sake.


I gather rich stores for the children, the children,
The lowing of oxen is heard as I come:
I carry the sheaves in my arms for the children.
Oh, sweet on the hill-top the lights of home.
Unless the Lord build it, the house for the children,
Unless He be with me my labour's vain.
He has thought it and planned it, the fold for the children,
Where the lambs be folded without fear or stain.
I fight the holy fight for the children, the children,
The sons of God glorious sit down at my board.
Though the foes hem us in, shall I fear for the children,
Fighting the strong fight in the Name of the Lord?