University of Virginia Library



A Babe was born with silver spoon,
Silver enough to make a moon!
It did not interest him much
The world he came to, late or soon.
This Babe was fed, this Babe was taught;
He neither lack'd nor cared for aught.
Nothing could interest him much,
Whatever youth or manhood brought.
At school he learnt what others learn;
With Alma Mater did sojourn,
And, though not interested much,
Took “Little-go” and “Greats” in turn.
He found a rich and handsome maid,
Of fitting years and proper grade;
She did not interest him much,
But in due form his court he paid.
And in due course she was his dame,
And several children duly came;
They did not interest him much;
His treatment of them none could blame.
In House of Commons year by year
He sat, on which side I'm not clear,
(It did not interest him much)
The course of Nature made him Peer.


A married lady whom he knew
Was pretty and amusing too;
She did not interest him much—
Yet by degrees a scandal grew.
The stupid husband made a rout,
And fiercely called his Lordship out.
This did not interest him much;
But—killed he was beyond a doubt.
His name is on the marble tomb,
Age, style, et cetera: I presume
They would not interest you much,
And so, take up no further room.