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Tasso and the Sisters

Tasso's Spirit: The Nuptials of Juno: The Skeletons: The Spirits of the Ocean. Poems, By Thomas Wade

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Scarce had the Spirit clos'd her song,
When from the waters rose a sound,
And words mysterious flow'd along
The billows as they wander'd round:—
And, at the words, a rush of wings,
Loud as the voice of countless springs
On pebbles playing,
Past o'er the Sea, and heavenly sighs,
With tears, cast down from unseen eyes,
Thro' air were straying.
Then a faint splash spread far and wide
O'er all the bosom of the tide;—
Like that we hear by rural pool.
Whene'er across its waters cool


Glad birds their way are winging;
Now all disporting in a ring,
Now dipping in the pool their wing,
And now again upspringing.