University of Virginia Library


Walk the beach once more with me,
Blue-eyed Maiden:
Of things which have been and may be
Thou shalt prattle winsomely,
Charming grief away from me,
Me, sorrow-laden.
Ah, a sail is on the sea,
Fair-hair'd Maiden;
Ah, a sail waits on the sea,
Now the wind is blowing free,—
Waits to bear thee far from me,
Me, sorrow-laden.


Six rowers stout and strong,
Blue-eyed Maiden,—
Six rowers stout and strong,
They will bear thee swift along,
Singing to me a farewell song,
Me, sorrow-laden.
Say good bye; I kiss thy brow,
White-brow'd Maiden:
Gaily the vessel dips her prow;
Leave me to my sorrow now;
Tears are not for such as thou,
Sweetest flower of Aidenn!
“How shall I bid thee adieu,
So sorrow-laden?”
Oh, her heart is kind and true!
Let us take the boat, we two,
And sail away into the blue
Sky-seeming Aidenn!
How can she ever love me so,
Me, sorrow-laden?
She is fair and kind, I know,
Bright as sunshine, pure as snow:
Kiss me thrice, and let us go,
Blue-eyed Maiden!