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[Old things have passed away, behold]

Old things have passed away, behold,
All things are new! so let each day
Bring with it brighter joys and brighter hopes
To light us on our way.
Beloved, let us mend our pace
To run a swifter and a truer race.

[Friend of my heart]

Friend of my heart,
O may thine eyes
Be kept still gazing up
Into the stedfast skies
Where thy true gladness lies.

[Again the Future has become the Past]

Again the Future has become the Past;
The dim and distant has become the near;
The months are now behind us; we have crossed
With tranquil step the threshold of the Year.
The voice of praise breathes softly—God is here!

[Pass into the opening Year]

Pass into the opening Year,
Cross its threshold without fear;
At its gate thy Saviour stands,—
Welcomes thee with outstretched hands.
In the dim unknown,
Thou art not alone.

[Shaded or sunny shall the New Year be?]

Shaded or sunny shall the New Year be?
We cannot tell.
This only may we know without a doubt,—
That all is well!
Lo, through the open door
Gleams the eternal shore!

[Peace, from the Fountainhead of peace]

Peace, from the Fountainhead of peace,
Be thine, beloved friend;
This year, and every coming year,
Till earthly years shall end.