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Lyrical Poems

By John Stuart Blackie

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Blow! blow! blow!
By the eagle's rocky dwelling,
From Fairfield to Helvellyn,
Blow! blow!
O'er the tempest's leafless track,
From Helvellyn to Saddleback.
Blow! blow!
Blow! blow! blow!
Where the thunder loud is pealing,
Round the shepherd's lonely shieling,
Blow! blow!
Where the torrent wildly dashing,
With white flail the rock is lashing,
Blow! blow!


Blow! blow! blow!
O'er the grey and rocky ruin,
Where black cloud is cloud pursuing,
Blow! blow!
Like demons, with sharp yell,
When they hunt a soul to hell,
Blow! blow!
Blow! blow! blow!
Where the traveller on the hill
Wanders blindly without skill,
Blow! blow!
Whom suddenly a blast
Down the sheer black wall shall cast,
Blow! blow!
Blow! blow! blow!
Where the sapless leaves are whirling,
Where the ruddy floods are swirling,
Blow! blow!
Where the farmer's yellow store
Floats to sea with rush and roar,
Blow! blow!


Blow! blow! blow!
Where the drowning man is calling
Through the storm's relentless brawling,
Blow! blow!
Where with planks and drifted dead
Wide the wreathed sands are spread,
Blow! blow!
Blow! blow! blow!
With mist, and rain, and rack,
From Scawfell to Saddleback,
Blow! blow!
Who shall check you in the hour,
When God arms your wings with power?
Blow! blow!