University of Virginia Library



[Thro' the stained windows of the gloomy arch]

Thro' the stained windows of the gloomy arch
The moon's pale beam reflects a varied ray;
Across the long cold aile with sounding wing
The midnight Storm was passing on its way.
Her fearful step no listening echo heard,
Her breath suspended on her bosom hung,
Big swelled the tear that trembled in her eye,
And her clasped hands in agony she wrung.
A lamp's small blaze beneath a mouldering nich
Chaced the dank vapours of the vault away;
And the faint sickly gleam, which round it spread,
Shewed where the relics of her Edward lay.
The large helm glittered to the lamp's dull light;
Her babe affrighted hid it's little head;
At the cold tomb in holy awe She knelt— [OMITTED]
Cætera desunt.