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Behold these Christians, how they live!”
Such witness could the heathen give,
When first the Church began
To tread the course her Lord had trod,
Intent to shew the love of God
Fulfill'd in love of man.
How goodly was the grace that fell
On each true child of Israel,
On every willing heart,
While rivals each with each they strove,
Brethren alike in faith and love,
To act a brother's part.
What though not theirs the influence shed
On each apostle's gifted head,
When couch'd in tongues of flame,
Like sound of rushing wind that sweeps
O'er Paran's waste the sandy heaps,
The mighty Spirit came;
Yet one and all 'twas theirs to know
That mighty Spirit's genial glow,
Which told their sins forgiven;
Which wak'd them to a holy birth,
Cleans'd from the dross and dregs of earth,
And framed their souls for heaven.
Soft came it, as the dewy shower,
Unheard, unseen, at midnight hour,
Which Hermon's heights distill:
And pleasant as the limpid flow
Of Siloa's waves, that softly go
By Sion's holy hill:


Pure as the snowy wreaths that crown
The cedar crags of Lebanon;
And copious as the flood,
That o'er the banks of Jordan swell'd,
And from their marshy haunts expell'd
The tyrants of the wood:
Refreshing as the vine that creeps
O'er Carmel's grape-impurpled steeps,
Fann'd by the sea-born gale;
And fertile, as the pastur'd meads,
His stream where ancient Kishon leads
Through Esdraelon's vale:
Sweet as the breath of Sharon's rose;
And fair, as on Engaddi grows
The tall and branching palm;
And healthful, as the water clear
Of Elim's wells, or amber tear
From Gilead's shrubs of balm.
Such grace was theirs: but not alone
To them that genial grace was known:
Still, as of old he wont,
With those, who love their Saviour well,
His Holy Spirit deigns to dwell;
Still o'er the sacred font
He broods with dove-like wings outspread;
Enlivens still the hallow'd bread;
Still in his house of pray'r
His blessing to his priests imparts;
And with obedient faithful hearts
Still holds communion there.


And oh! that all, his grace who need,
Would woo him as his precepts lead;
And still his presence prove,
By holy hearts, and spirits meek,
Thoughts that the good of others seek,
And fellowship of love:
So might hell's tyrant writhe with pain
To see on earth his old domain
New signs of Eden give;
And angels, leaning from the sky,
With rapture to the Saviour cry,
“See how thy Christians live!”