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Metrical Effusions

or Verses on Various Occasions [by Bernard Barton]

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“November hirples o'er the lca,
Chill, on thy lovely form;
And gane, alas! the shelt'ring tree,
Should shield thee frae the storm.”

Lovely Cherub! sweetly smiling
Mid' the scene of earthly strife,
Let the Bard, his cares beguiling,
Hail thy entrance into life.


Early have the blasts of sorrow
Howl'd around thy infant head;
But, we trust, some happier morrow
Will her richest blessings shed.
Oft the threat'ning clouds of morning
Flee before advancing day,
When the sun, the plains adorning,
Colours o'er the landscape gay.
Though the tender name of mother
Be to thee, sweet girl! unknown;
Though the ties of sister, brother,
Thou canst never call thine own:
Though thy father o'er the ocean
Bends his way to India's coast;
By the bounding billow's motion
To and fro tempestuous toss'd;


Thou, by kindest friends protected,
Ne'er shalt roam without a guide;
Nor shall be their care neglected
For thy welfare to provide.
May thy heavenly parent's blessing
Well repay and crown that care;
And mayst thou, every grace possessing,
Long survive their love to share.
Mildest zephyrs! softly playing,
Gently fan this opening flower!
Health and beauty still conveying
By your breezes every hour.
Genial showers! from heaven descending,
Shed your influence all around!
Guardian Angels, too, attending,
Keep from noxious seeds the ground!


When, progressively advancing,
Blossoms forth their treasure pour,
May every eye, around thee glancing,
See of fruit an ample store.
Sense and wit, if haply beauty
Fail to charm the ravish'd sight,
Shall give thee pleasure in thy duty,
Zealous for thy friends' delight.
Then, the task of life completed,
Soon shall rise an endless day,
When the Grave and Death defeated
Shall at once resign their prey.
Borne aloft on eagle pinion
To the realms of light and joy,
Thou shalt enter life's dominion,
Past those pleasures which destroy.


Mansions that the righteous dwell in
Shall receive thee for a guest;
And Seraphs hail my lovely Ellen:
Welcome thou among the blest!