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On its being said that she had adorned her chamber with tapestry representing the death of the Admiral Coligni, on the day of St. Bartholomew.

That breast, where woman's rancour well unites
With woman's folly, what? doth it not hide
Fancy enough to paint their blood who died
Struck for the cause in which it most delights;
Justly, in sooth, thou enviest the sprites
Of Charles and that proud matron homicide,
To whom 'twas given to revel in the tide
Drawn from Coligni's veins! But history writes;
And bodying forth the pictures of her pen,
Enwoven on thy walls, to the fell steel
Thou seest the venerable warrior bow;
Console thee then, and think that though to feel
Thy harder fate denies as they did then,
Thou shalt hereafter feel as they do now!