University of Virginia Library


Her New Place.

Yes, I ha' gotten that place;
For I took my character,
An' the missis liked it an' liked my face,
An' I liked the looks o' her.
Nesh little body an' neat—
Nobbut half the size o' me;
An' the littlest hands and the littlest feet
As ever I did see.
Lor! When her seed my arm
(For my short-sleeved frock was on)
Her said, surely I was used to a farm,
To ha' gotten sich arms as yon!
Used to a farm? thinks I,
Aye, an' used to field-work too!
But to tell that tale to a lady—why
I know'd it wouldna do.
So I said I was country bred,
An' hadna been long in a town;
An' that was why my arms was red,
An' my hands was big an' brown.


Then her look'd me over, her did,
Fro' my bonnet down to my toes;
Her look'd as glum as a coffin lid,
Through the glasses 'at stuck on her nose.
Her axed me, could I cook?
An' could I fettle an' clean?
But her words was as hard as a printed book
For to reckon up what they mean.
Still, I reckon'd 'em up at last,
For I studied afore I spoke:
You munna get on wi' yer talk too fast,
When you're in wi' the gentle-folk.
Bless you, it's on'y their way
As they learn 'em when they're young:
They've allas gotten a summat to say
On the very tip o' their tongue.
Aye—but it's bad to make out;
It inna plump nor plain;
You're tied te think what it's all about,
Afore you answer again:
You canna tell what they're at,
Nor weer they're a-drivin' to;
For you niver can get 'em to say what's what
Right out, like a servant do.


Eh, but what does it matter to me
As they talk so terrible high?
They reckons to be what they wants to be—
An' a good job too, says I!
For when wonst I've took to a place
An' sattled inside o' the door,
My missis may talk herself black i' the face,
But her winna bash me no moor.
No, I sticks to my work downstairs,
What I wants no tellin' to do;
An' the upstairs folk, they mun stick to theirs—
An' that's a good job too.
An' this here missis I've got,
Her's a right un, I'll be bound:
Her's gi'en me wages a goodish lot,
An' sugar an' tea all found;
An' what if her did look glum,
Or make a bit of a stir?
I lay it's as easy as kiss-my-thumb,
For to have my way wi' her.
So just you wait, my lad,
Till they've gotten used te my ways:
Then, I'll gie ye as good as ye've iver had
I' the best o' your coortin' days.