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My Lyrical Life

Poems Old and New. By Gerald Massey

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She sat in her virgin bower,
Half sad with fancies sweet,
And wist not Love drew softly nigh,
Till she nestled at his feet.
“Arise, arise, thou fair Maiden;
And adieu, adieu, thou dear!
But meet me, meet me at the Kirk,
In the May-time of the year.”
Up in her face of holy grace
The startled splendour broke;
Her smile was as a dream of heaven
Fulfilled whene'er she spoke.
She felt such bliss in her beauty,
Such pleasure in her power
To richly clothe her perfect love
For a peerless marriage dower.
“Now kiss me, kiss me, Mother dear;
He calls me, I must go!”
She went to the Kirk at tryste-time,
In raiment like the snow.
But he who clasped her there was Death;
And he hath led her where
No voice is heard, there is no breath
Upon the frosty air.