University of Virginia Library



The sun of summer has shed his rays,
The leaves of summer that danced on the tree,
As brave as the banners of fairy kings
Beneath the flutter of birds' light wings,
Lie low with the whisp'ring meadow-grasses
That ebb and flow, as the West wind passes,
Like the waves of a flower-strewn sea;
And the glory and gladness of many things
Are dead with the days.
For this is the season of berry and burr,
When seed-pods rustle amongst the broom,
And sad grows the heart of the wayfarer
Overtaken by twilight gloom,


As he waits for God's guiding stars to shine
When all the sun-glow has died from the river.
And sad in my breast is this heart of mine
As I wait for the spirit of Spring to stir
The spark that will kindle the crocus-bloom
Set over the heart that is still'd for ever.