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Ballads of the War

By H. D. Rawnsley

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The Sailing of the “Maine”


The Sailing of the “Maine”

December 23rd
Hail! all hail to the “Maine.”
Is it she who sank to her tomb
With death and war in her womb?
She for whose loss and whose pain
The great West fought against Spain?
With life for the Motherland,
Love from the Brotherland.
Lo, from the deeps has she risen again?
Ocean hearken and heed,
Give us your silence and your calm,
So, more swift with her balm
And healing for all who need,
The “Maine” to their succour shall speed,
With help from the Brotherland,
Hope for the Motherland,
Blessing and joy by her merciful deed.
God give her sun all the day,
God give her stars all the night,
God give her mariners might.
Never the engines stay,


Nor captain slack of his way!
The thanks of the Motherland,
Health from the Brotherland,
These are her passengers bound for the Bay.
Ay, as a mother her son
Hides in her heart evermore,
Prays as he sails from the shore,
So are we praying that none
Ever forget this deed done.
Love of the Brotherland,
Life for the Motherland,
Now shall the nations henceforward be one.