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By George Barlow

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Across the weary waste of billowy water,
From heaven's high shore,
Comes Christ's voice saying, “O son, O weary daughter,
Thy toil is o'er”.
Across the moonlit meads, where tremulous willows
Bend dappled arms;
Across the bright sea's sunlit laughing billows,
Shine Venus' charms.


But hearken not: think of the skies so golden,
The seas so sweet,
The glory of him who trod the lake-waves olden
With unharmed feet.
But we are weary,—and love's white limbs are shining
The soft night through;
What fellowship have we, O spirits repining
At love, with you?
Hark to the solemn voice of Jesus saying,
“Soon will the door
On souls unsound and feeble feet delaying
Close evermore”.
Hark to the gracious voice of Venus chiding
The slow-foot crew;
Her rose-sweet breasts amid the roses hiding
Tarry for you.


And you may win the immortal peace that faileth
Never indeed:
Believe in Christ; mark how the pierced brow paleth,
The torn feet bleed!
Mark how the flowers faint back for very wonder
When Venus speaks:
The tints that flame behind the mountains yonder
Are in her cheeks.
After life's battle, lo! the towers of marble;
The sweet high song
That seraphs in God's golden palace warble,
White-plumed and strong.
After the weary day the sweet flushed night-time,
And waiting there,
Giver of every summer-soft delight-time,
Our goddess fair.


After the lusts of earth the pure dominions
Where Christ is seen
Cleaving the solemn air with gold vast pinions
Of awful sheen.
And after this the scent among the mountains
Of Venus' locks:
Sound of her footstep tender amid the fountains
And moss-gay rocks.
After the heat of earth the cool high heaven
Where no lusts dwell:
Lifted we are, yea saved, we sinners, even
From flames of hell.
Lifted we are by the divine dear brightness
Of Venus' breast:
Yea, by the body's soft exceeding whiteness
Our lips caressed.


Jesus! from all foul thoughts and shapes deliver!
From all base dreams!
Their goddess pierce with darts from out thy quiver;
With sword that gleams!
Hurtless art thou and harmless, sweetheart tender,—
Christ's arrows fail;
For thine invulnerable naked splendour,
Nude, needs no mail.