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A Collection of Miscellanies

Consisting of Poems, Essays, Discourses & Letters, Occasionally Written. By John Norris ... The Second Edition Corrected

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The Invitation.


The Invitation.

Come my Beloved let us go forth into the Field, let us lodge in the Villages, Cantic. 7. 11.


Come thou divinest object of my love
This Noisy Region don't with us agree;
Come let us hence remove,
I cannot here enjoy my self or thee.
Here Vice and Folly keep their Court,
Hither their chiefest Favourites resort,
Debauchery has here her Royal Chair,
This is her great Metropolis,
What e're we see or hear Contagion is;
Their Manners are polluted like the air.
From both unwholsom vapours rise
And blacken with ungrateful steams the neighbouring skies.


Come we'l e'n to our Country Seat repair
The Native home of Innocence and Love.
There we'l draw purer air
And pity Monarchs, sitting in our Grove.
Here Vertue has her safe retreat
Abandon'd by the Many and the great.
Content does here her peaceful Scepter sway;
Here Faithfulness and Friendship dwell
And Modesty has here her humble Cell,
Come my Beloved, Come, and let's away.
Be thou My Angel good and kind,
And I'l ne'r look at Sodom which we leave behind.



In fields and flow'ry meadows, woods and groves
The first and best delights of humane kind,
There we'l enjoy our loves
All free, and only to our selves confin'd.
Here shall my eyes be fixt on thee
Till every Passion be an extasie.
Each hour to thee shall be Canonical;
The Sweets of Nature shall not stay
My Soul, but only shew to thee the way;
To thee; Thou Beauty's great Original.
Come My Beloved let's go prove
These sweet Advantages of Peace, Content and Love.