Philomela Or, Poems By Mrs. Elizabeth Singer, [Now Rowe,] ... The Second Edition |
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Pindaric ODE on HABAKKUK. |
Philomela | ||
Pindaric ODE on HABAKKUK.
When God from Teman came,And cloath'd in Glory from Mount Paran shone,
Dress'd in th' unsufferable Flame
That hides his daz'ling Throne,
And fill'd the trembling Earth with Terror and Amaze.
Resplendent Beams did crown his aweful Head,
And shining Brightness all round him spread;
Omnipotence he grasp'd in his strong Hand,
And listning Death waited his dread Command;
Waiting 'till his resistless Bolts he'd throw;
Devouring Coals beneath his Feet did glow:
All Nature's Frame did quake beneath his Feet,
And with his Hand he the vast Globe did mete;
The frightned Nations scattered,
And at his Sight the bashful Mountains fled,
The everlasting Hills their Founder's Voice obey,
And stoop their lofty Heads to make th' Eternal Way.
The distant Ethiops all Confusion are,
And Midian's trembling Curtains cannot hide their Fear:
When thy swift Chariots pass'd the yielding Sea,
The blushing Waves back in Amazement flee,
And bids his forward Streams back to their Fountain turn.
Arm'd with thy mighty Bow,Thou marchedst out against thy daring Foe:
And very terrible thou didst appear
To them, but thus thy darling People cheer:
“Know, Jacob's Sons, I am the God of Truth,
“Your Father Jacob's God, nor can I break my Oath.”
The Mountains shook as our dread Lord advanc'd,
And all the little Hills around 'em danc'd:
The neighb'ring Streams their verdant Banks o'erflow,
The waters saw and trembled at the Sight,
Back to their old Abyss they go,
And bear the News to everlasting Night:
The Mother Deep within the Cavern roars,
And beats the silent Shores.
Nor will his frighted Steeds their wonted Journey drive.
The Moon, to see her Brother stop his Car,
Grew pale, and curb'd her sable Reins for Fear;
Thy threatning Arrows gild their flaming Way,
And at the Glittering of thy Spear the Heathen dare not stay;
The very Sight of thee did them subdue,
And arm'd with Fury Thou the Vict'ry didst pursue.
So now, great God, wrapt in avenging Thunder,
Meet Thine and Nassaus' Foes, and tread them grov'ling under.
Philomela | ||