University of Virginia Library

Tune, Then farewel, my trim-built Wherry.

(A little altered.)

But our convivial joys my theme is,
Though surly cares at distance growl:
To drink and smoke, to laugh and sing, our scheme is,
While friendship fires each gen'rous soul,
While friendship fires each gen'rous soul.
Our lips the circling tankard greeting,
Our pipes with fragrance charge the air:
Success we drink, and ev'ry draught repeating,
Or damn the churl, or toast the fair.
While thus the social joys are flowing,
In ev'ry eye while pleasures beam,
While with celestial flame each breast is glowing,
The sky-born sons of Jove we seem!


Meanwhile the song, in strains harmonious,
With Fancy's flights enchants our ears:
Now hear the thund'ring chorus roar symphonious,
And stun the world, and drown the spheres,
And stun the world, and drown the spheres.