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To Amasia, looking, at me, thro' a Multiplying-Glass.

By the strange Pow'r, which in this Glass is shown,
You view a thousand Slaves, yet all your own.
Justly, so many Lovers do you see,
For there is Love enough for all in me.
Thus may you find, before your sight display'd,
Almost as many, as your looks have made.
No wonder still I lov'd those Eyes, before,
By whose bright rays this Cloud is Silver'd o'er.
Thus, by your Art, the World your Pow'r descrys,
You make this Glass more Fair than others Eyes.
Strange seems this Charming skill of yours to me,
How can this Winter with your Spring agree!
What rigid Coldness in your Breast must lie,
When all this Ice dwells solid at your Eye!