University of Virginia Library

De sancto Oswaldo

Seint Oswold þe bissop was ibore here in Engelonde
Of heie men he was icome as ich vnderstonde
Sire Ode was is fader broþer þe kinges conseiler
Þat hext Iustice was of þat lond and hadde inis poer
Swuþe holyman he was & ydouted ver and ner
Som wat we mote telle of him & of is mester
Þe king þat þo was of Engelonde þe king Aþelston
Of þe heþene men iwerred was þat were is stronge von
A strang bataille was a day bitwene hom inome
So þat þe king and is poer his fon hadde ouercome
Hy flouwe & þis gode king siwede & leide on vaste
& slou to gronde & smot so harde þat is swerd brac attelaste
Þo is fon yseie þis þat is swerd ybroke was
Hi turnde aȝen & leide him on and were glad of is cas
Þe king þei he stalworþe were non oþer red ne sey
Bote fle[o] vaste & is fon sywe him euere ney


Sire Ode þis holymon ysey þane king vle[o]
He orn after and sede abid sire kyng wat is þe
War is þin herte nou bicome ne miȝte þin armes wawe
Wy neltou take to þi scauberk & þi swerd out drawe
Þe king wondrede of þis word to is scauberk he drou
He vond and nom a swerd þerof fair and strang inou
Þe king þis swerd mid gode herte gladliche nom
And turnde aȝe uppon is fon & sone hom ouercom
Þe king þe more þer afterward sire Ode louie bigan
And douty for he þer isey þat he was holyman
Erche bissop þoru Godes grace he made him at Kanterburi
And sein Donston was þulke tyme abbot of Glastinburi
Þo sire Ode þe erchebissop was is neveu me him vette
Seint Oswold þe ȝonge child to bok he let him sette
Þis child nadde of fair beringe ne of lore nanne per
His vncle & al þat him yknewe louede him ver & ner
His vncle him made at Wiltone canon seculer
Wel ȝong he was þer ymad ey den of gret poer
Wanne he weste eny of þe chanones do eny fol ger
Ne sparede he noȝt to chasti hom as it fel to is mester
So þat hi hadde hoker of him þat he hom ssolde chasti so
For þat he was so ȝong after him hi nolde noȝt do
Þis holymon ysei þis þat he ne miȝte hom noȝt amende
He bileuede hom al is dignete & aȝen to is vncle wende
He swor he nolde for noþing no leng byleue þere
No of no soule ycharged be[o] to wissi ne to lere
Ac he wolde forsake al þe worlde and in to religion wende
Byleue he nolde for noþing is lyf so to ende
Glad was þe erche bissop þo he hurde þis
Hor eiþer stode and wope on oþer for ioie and for blis
He esste at seint Oswold anon woder is heorte bere
Forto be[o] in religion and ware is þoȝt were
Certes seide seint Oswold inelle it hele noȝt
To be[o] monk at Florence in France ich habbe iþoȝt


Þer as sein Benet liþ þat þe hordres of monkes wroȝte
And grante ine me for Godes loue þat us deore aboȝte
Quaþ þe erchebissop glad ich am of þine holy þoȝte
Ihered be[o] God þat in to one stude oure beire wille wroȝte
For certes þe abit ich habbe ybore of þulke stude þere
Ihered be[o] God þat sende þe wille to be[o] my broþer þere
For þou ert my broþer sone & my broþer þou sselt be[o]
Iþonked beo God þat ich miȝte þane day ise[o]
Vorþ him wende seint Oswold þoru þe bissop is rede
And þe ordre of monk þer vnder ueng holy lif to lede
His breþeren were wel glad of him þo hi vnderȝite
Þat holy lif þat he was on for noþing hy nolde him lete
In orisons he was niȝt & day & in oþer gode þinge
Þer of þe deuel hadde envie and þoȝte him þerof bringe
Ofte he com in deorne stude biniȝte him to afere
Wanne he was al one inis bede & made reufol bere
Ac wanne þis holyman hurde him so deoluoliche rore
Þe signe he made of þe crois & ne hurde him namore
Þo þe deuel ysey þis þat he nemiȝte him come wiþinne
He þoȝte mid oþer felonye þis holyman wynne
A day as þis holyman is orysons vaste nom
In forme of an angel þe deuel to him com
Oswold he sede an angel ich am fram heuene isend to þe
Oure Louerd haþ þi bone ihurd he sende þe word by me
And bad þe somme reste habbe & ne trauaille noȝt so sore
In orisons to crie on him þou hauest is milce and ore
For leuer he haþ þat þou libbe inis seruise longe
Þanne þi sulf sone asle in penance so strange
Of þis tidinge þis holyman swuþe wondri bygan
& is maner was to blessi him as he speke wiþ eny man
In forme of þe crois he blessede him is riȝt hond up he nom


Þo wolde he answerie þe foule þing ac he nuste war he bicom
Her me may yseo hou narwe þe deuel him wol byþenche
Hou he may eny godman out of is godnesse bywrenche
Þo seint Oswold hadde longe ibe[o] þere in Godes lore
Þe erche bissop þat was is vncle longede after him sore
Vor he was old & feble also after him he sende
Sory were þis monekes þo he fram hom wende
Þo seint Oswold was þanne iwend & com into Engelond
Þe erche bissop Ode is vncle ded & ybured he vond
Louerd þat him one was wo þo he þer of weste
Touore þe tombe he uel adoun wepinge ofte it custe
Sire Osketel is o cosin at Dorchestre bissop was
After seint Oswold he sende anon þo he hurde of þis cas
At Dorchestre to hym he com wiþ him he was longe
He held þe rule of is ordre wiþ penance stronge
Byside Oxenforde is Dorchestre biside Abindone a lite
Þe ce of bissop was þat oþer þat at Lincolne is ȝute
Hit byuel þat þe bissop [] of Euerwik was ded
Sire Osketel me nom in is steode þoru mony monnes red
Þo he was alyt of Euerwik to Rome sone he com
To beo ysacred of þe pope seint Oswold wiþ him he nom
Þo hy hamward come aȝen seint Oswold aȝen wende
To þe abbey þer he was monk is lyf forto amende
Sein Donston þat was biuore abbot of Glastingbury
After sire Ode erchebissop me made him of Kanterburi
He hurde telle of þe holy lyue þat seint Oswold was inne
Ȝeorne he þoȝte ȝif he miȝte to Engelond him wynne
So þat þe bissop of Wircestre þer after was ded
Sein Donston and sire Osketel þer of no[me] a red
Þoru conseil of þe gode king þat was þo of Engelonde
Þe King Edgar hi sende anon after seint Oswold hore sonde
And made him bissop of Wircestre þe soulen forto loke
Glad was al þat folk þer of þat hy a such man toke


Swuþe wel þis holyman his bissopriche weste
So wel wroȝte in euerich point non byuore him me nuste
Þe erche bissop of Kanterburi þe holy sein Donston
Þoru grant of Edgar þe gode king [] & þe pope Ion
Formede þoru al Engelonde þat ech person ssolde cheose
To wite him chast fram lecherie oþer is churche leose
Gode wardeins he made þerto to holde þis fourme faste
Þat many wikked person out of is churche caste
Seint Donston and seint Oswold wardeins were þerto
And þe bissop of Winchestre seint Aþelwold þat was þo
Þis þre[o] bissops wende aboute þoru al Engelonde
Ech luþer person hi caste out hom ne miȝte non atstonde
Hore churchen and hore oþer god clanliche hy bynome
And bysette it in gode men þoru þe popes wille of Rome
Eiȝte and forty grete abbeies of monekes & of nonne
Of tresor hy made in Engelond þat of persons was so iwonne
In þe churche of Wircest[r]e ner þer ȝute monekes none
Seint Oswold made þe priorie of treo and of stone
And broȝte þer inne monekes and ȝute beoþ also
Wroþ was þe deuel for is werk & gret onde hadde þerto
Þo hy rerde þe priorie and fair ston hy fonde
Þer wende forþ a vewe men to hewe hom to hore honde
So þat voure score stalworþe men þat ropes þerto bonde
Ne miȝte enes wiþ al hore strengþe icche him fram gronde
Gret wonder hadde þe folk þerof seint Oswold attelaste
Com & sey þen deuel sitte & holde þan ston wel vaste
Þo he him hadde awey idriue a veu men þat þer were
Liȝtliche nom up þe vaire ston & to hore werke bere
Suþþe it byuel þat þe erche bissop of Euerwik was ded
Þe Kyng of Engelond and sein Donston þerof nome hore red
And seint Oswold erche bissop of Euerwik hy made


Vnneþe he miȝte him þerto bringe vor al þat hy bade
Hy made him holde þe bissopriche of Wircestre also
Þe godeman hadde inou to done to loky boþe to
To holde ek is religion for monk euere he was
To wite þe ordre of þe bissopriches noþing idel he nas
He ne bileuede longe in none stude bote it am[a]ng monkes were
Bote wanne he wende inis bissopriche þat folk forto lere
As inis pryuey orisons seint Oswold a niȝt was
& is monekes in hore bede lay aslepe it biuel bicas
Þ[at] o monk him let baþie and þo he hadde ydo
He lay in seint Oswold is bed ac to raþe he com þerto
Vour deuelen come & esste anon wat he dude þere
In þe bed þat is maister was & hou he so hardy were
Þo he nemiȝte non encheson vinde faste hi him toke
And bete him so sore þoru þe cri al þe monkes awoke
And come & holpe him hasteliche & esste wat him were
And wat he in þulke bedde dude & wy he made such bere
He was yknewe of al is gult and among hom al yssriue
And sede is penance was inou þei is gult were forȝiue
Seint Oswold forȝef it him & bad þe monkes also
By þulke cas ywar hy were efsone to misdo
In þe tyme of Rouysons as seint Oswold com
And þen wey fram Euerwik to Wircestre nom
He prechede at Rameseie at is anne manere
Al þe contreie þuder com his prechinge to hure
Monekes þer were of an hous þat bi ssipe þuder come
To hure þis predicacion as hi to rede hom nome
Þo þis godeman hadde ibroȝt þis holy prechynge to ende
Þis monekes nome is blessinge hamward forto wende
So heuy hore ssip ycharged was in dep water þo hi were
Þat it bygan to sinke adoun loude hy gradde for fere
Sein Benet & seint Oswold hy bede hom helpe þere
Þo seint Oswold hurde þe cri him wondrede of þe bere


He byhuld and isey þat folk upe þe point to adrinke
He sey þe ssip wiþ al þe men toward þe gronde sinke
Louerd he sede seint Oswold send me þi grace
Þis gode men for my prechinge come into þis place
Ȝif hy deieȝ Louerd me þincþ þat ich am encheson
Of hore deþ wanne hi hider come for my predicacion
Louerd ȝif it is þi wille þi grace grante me
Þat hy mote to lyue come þe bet to seruy þe
Þo he hadde is bone ybede þe ssip þat was at gronde
Com pulle up aboue þe water in a lyte stonde
Þe men laueþ out þe water þat hy in þe ssipe vonde
And herede God and seint Oswold & wende hom hol & sonde
Seint Oswold þis holyman to Wircestre þen wei nom
Þe monekes of him glade were þo he þuder com
Nou was is manere eche day twelf pouere men to tak[e]
And into is chambre lede hom & faire sege hom make
And wosse hore vet & wipe ek wiþ towaile & wiþ is her
And ȝiue hom mete & serui hom atte mete riȝt þer
Þis manere þis godeman noday bileue nolde
And aȝen efter þis pouere men wiþ niwe cloþ cloþi wolde
So þat þis gode holyman vel into a siknesse
And was old and ouercome mid elde & feblesse
So þat he was ouercome þat me wende he ssolde deiȝe
He aros up as him noþing nere & upward caste is eiȝe
Toward heuene he byhuld as þei he syk nere
Gret wonder þoȝte is men þar of & esste wi it were
Ich biholde quaþ þis godeman woder ich ssel wende
For my Louerd ȝute to morwe after me wole sende
He wende in aȝen & clupede is men & bed hom habbe goday
And bad hom ȝeorne bidde for him and noþing sik nelay
He let him helie wel clanliche & oure Louerdes fleiss nom
Aniȝt he was þe verste þat to matins com


Amorwe as he dude ech day is sauter he sede
Twelf pouere men into þe quer biuore him let lede
Þere he wess al hore vet as it was is wone
And sede þe qwinsames to herie Godes sone
And herede mid þe laste vers & caste up is eiȝe
Vader and Sone & Holy Gost & mid þan vers gan deiȝe
Angles bere is soule forþ to þe ioie of heuene heiȝe
Louerd wat deol þe monekes made þo hi þen deþ seie
Hy nome & burede him at Wircetre heilich atte fine
Þer is bones liggeþ ȝut noblich in fair ssryne
For his loue oure Louerd haþ þer vair miracle ofte iwroȝt
Nou God lete us to þe ioie come þat he is inne ibroȝt