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The Lay Folks' Catechism, or the English and Latin versions of Archbishop Thoresby's Instruction for the People

Together with a Wycliffite adaptation of the same, and the corresponding canons of the council of Lambeth. With introduction, notes, glossary, and index, by the late Thomas Frederick Simmons ... and Henry Edward Nolloth

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ne thre goddys. þe fadyr and þe sone and þe holy gost ;
But þre personys. and nat but on god./
The fyfte poynt ys þat þe trinite.
fadyr and sone and holy gost. thre personys and on god
ys maker of heuyn and erthe. and of alle þyngys þat vnder heuyn be./
The .vj. poynt ys. þat holy chirche oure modyr
ys holly on thorwȝ-owt þe world
þat ys comenynge and felaschype of alle cristyn folk
þat comynys to-gydyr in þe sacrament
and in oþer holy þyngys þat falle to holy chirche ;
In forȝevynge of synnes and hele of here sowlys.
For withowten holy chirche is no soule heyl.


The .vij. articule þat vs owe to trow
his vp-rysynge in flesch and lyf with-owtyn ende.
For whan þe deþ. haþ sundryd oure bodyes and oure sowlys.