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The Court of Conscience or Dick Whippers Sessions

With the order of his arraigning and punishing of many notorious, dissembling, wicked, and vitious liuers in this age. By Richard West

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You Mai. Silke-strings, baudy embleme maker,
Rimer and Ridler Come into the court:
Maker of songs by euery channell raker,
You are indited here what all a-mort,
Hold vp your hand heare your inditment read,
Twill cost, y' a whipping ells Ile loose my head.
And wherefore ist? because you spend your time,
All the whole day among your baudy queanes:
In ribauld talke and loathsome silthy rymes,
Stperfluously it floweth out in streames.
Backbiting all men in a hidden sort,
Come, come, vntrusse, O here is gallaunt sport.
And more then that for still you doe inuent,
Sedicious like gainst all men to exclame:
In baudie ballads being wholly bent,
In sort vndecent men vnknowne to blame.
Thinking to excuse your selfe by giuing quipps,
Gainst those that neuer deserued your railing nips,
What should I stand to tell you all your tricks?
I should backbite men then as well as you,
Nor yet your rabbles altogether mixe,
It were an endles worke I tell you trew.
A Iayle deliuyry further I must make,
Of other knaues with you that share a stake.