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The Shine of Mercy
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The Shine of Mercy

Still Mercy pencills out a gracious Shine
Blancht bravely or'e this Century of time
That Spirits spiriting a joyous Rhime
Do overflow
Who can forbare those nimble songs of Praise
Beholding Grace to sprindge her glorious Rayes
In every Corner, and Choice Organs layes
Her shine to show.
See how these radient Pearls through which there breakes
These Glorious Beams that Cluster'd ly in Heaps
In Asia, Africk, Europe shine which speaks
Her holy Joy.
Jerusalem her Church as bosst in gold
Dios, Germanion and Gordous, Old
Narcissica, then Alexander holds
Grace to apply.
And after Mezabanes there arose,
Then Hymeneus came in to disclose
Christs glorious grace, which through these Lanthorns flows
And gives its Shine.
Zambas and Hermon followd in that place
As shining stars darting the beames of Grace
Abroad all round. This Church in happy Case
A gracious time.
At Antioch Christs Golden Candlestick
Filld with these flaming Lights that rise up thick,
Serapion, Asclepiad, Philet, yet
Christ shineth here.
Zechinus, Babylas, then Julius came
Demetreanus (then came one a Shame
Who were Expelld) then Domnos held the same
And flamed Cleare
Timeus, Ciryll and Dorothe here shone
In Laodice Socrates was well known
Luseby, Anatoly, Stephen grown
Then Theodote.
In th'Church then at Cesarea Palestine
Shone Theoctist, then Domnus the Divine,
Theotecnus, Agapya, Pamphil shine
Of Worthy note


In Affrica this brightsom glory lays
Too many down to name to bear her rayes
Turtullian and Cyprian whose prayes
Ariseth high;
And famous Origen scarce to be matcht
Plutarch and Thaumatourous by him hatcht
Great Aphricanus, Heraclas who Watcht
Christ Cause to Eye.
Denyse, Hippolytus, and Maximus,
Cheremon Hierax Ammonius
These and such other that appeare to us
That bravely rose
Who in their day did give a glorious light
And as Choice Gospell Candles burned bright
And Carrid on their Spiritual war aright
Against their foes.
Come we now ore the Seas to Europes main,
Search Greece and Italy, with France, and Spaine,
For such as with the Gospell Glory flame
Such Stars we'st finde.
Yea, and so many of them numberd stand
As do exceed in notes, and number, and
Esteem, the Pen and scribble under hand
To be definde
But by these then as so many bright Beames
Of Orient Rayes the Sun of Grace out gleams
Grace gives her Shine, and sends her blissfull Streams
The World to guild.
And to attract mens hearts, and line them well
With sanctifying Grace, which doth Excell
Which shine of Grace now Chimes out Praises Bell
With Glory filld.