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19. [Sonnet: The Power of Love]

Can Eagles birds fly lower then there kinde,
Or can Ambition stoope to servile gaine?
Can free borne breasts be forc'd against there minde
To put the Maske of love vpon dissdaine?
Can love be bought, can Avarice constraine
Greate Cupid to do homage vnto gold,
Can he his wings, can he his flames restraine,
Or be induced to wishes worldlings would?
Noe, noe, my fates are in the Heavens inrold,
Mens lawes may force my life, but not my love,
Men may my eyes, but not my heart, behold,
My eyes may thers, my heart my owne shall prove.
And ere I change, by t'heavens I vow to leave
A Ioyles bedd, and take a joyfull Grave.