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ELEGIA. 3. Ad Eunuchum seruantem dominum.

Aye me an Eunuch keepes my mistresse chaste,
That cannot Venus mutuall pleasure taste.
Who first depriu'd young boyes of their best part,
With selfe same wounds he gaue, he ought to smart.
To kinde requests thou wouldst more gentle proue,
If euer wench had made luke-warme thy loue:
Thou wert not borne to ride, or armes to beare,

Thy hands agree not with the warlike speare.
Men handle those, all manly hopes refigne,
Thy mistrisse enseignes must be likewise thine.
Please her, her hate makes others thee abhorre,
If she discardes thee, what vse seru'st thou for?
Good forme there is, yeares apt to play togither,
Vnmeet is beauty without vse to wither.
Shee may deceiue thee, though thou her protect,
What two determine neuer wants effect.
Our prayers moue thee to assist our drift,
While thou hast time yet to bestow that gift.