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[A sweet Nosgay, Or pleasant Posye

contayning a hundred and ten Phylosophicall Flowers] [by Isabella Whitney]

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The Aucthour (though loth to leaue the Citie) vpon her Friendes procurement, is constrained to departe: wherfore (she fayneth as she would die) and maketh her VVYLL and Testæment, as foloweth: VVith large Legacies of such Goods and riches which she moste aboundantly hath left behind her: and therof maketh LONDON sole executor to se her Legacies performed.

A comunication which the Auctor had to London, before she made her VVyll.

The time is come I must departe,
from thee ah famous Citie:

I neuer yet to rue my smart,
did finde that thou hadst pitie,
Wherefore small cause ther is, yt I
should greeue from thee go:
But many Women foolyshly,
lyke me, and other moe.
Doe such a fyxed fancy set,
on those which least desarue,
That long it is ere wit we get,
away from them to swarue,
But tyme with pittie oft wyl tel
to those that wil her try:
Whether it best be more to mell,
or vtterly defye.
And now hath time me put ī mind,
of thy great cruelnes:
That neuer once a help wold finde,
to ease me in distres.
Thou neuer yet, woldst credit geue
to boord me for a yeare:
Nor with Apparell me releue
except thou payed weare.
No, no, thou neuer didst me good,
nor euer wilt I know:

Yet am I in no angry moode,
but wyll, or ere I goe
In perfect loue and charytie.
my Testament here write:
And leaue to thee such Treasurye,
as I in it recyte.
Now stand a side and geue me leaue
to write my latest Wyll:
And see that none you do deceaue,
of that I leaue them tyl.