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Minerva Britanna

Or A Garden of Heroical Deuises, furnished, and adorned with Emblemes and Impresa's of sundry natures, Newly devised, moralized, and published, By Henry Peacham

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Auspice cœlo.

To the most Christian King lovis, XIII. King of fravnce and navarre.

Henricus IV Galliarum Rex. In Herum exurgis Ravillac.

Most Christian King, if yet hast turn'd away,
Those kindly rivers, from thy royall eies
For Fathers losse, this little view I pray
Our Muse reserues from his late Exequies:
The least of littles, yea though lesse it be,
It's thine, and signe, of her loues loyaltie.
Which, wheresoe're presented to thy view,
(For all thinges teach vs) thinke a heavenly mind
Is meant vnto thee, by that cullour Blew,
The Gold, the golden plentie thou dost find;
The number of thy Heaven-sent Lillies, three,
Is concord's ground, the sweetest harmonie.