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With other Poemes. By M. LL. St [i.e.Martin Lluelyn]

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Eighth Miracle.
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Eighth Miracle.

In AEthiopia, 'bout the West,
Are men with handsome feature blest.
Their fault is nearest ground, at Roote
They've but one Thigh, and but one Foot.
(Sure one of these to save his Mother
Can't set one leg before the other)
But then this foot's so broad, the Urchin,
By its shade is kept from scorching,


With Foot held up, on backe he lies,
The Sun (and all his workes) defies.
His Trade's a Jeweller, though rude,
His Gemmes Armenians buy for food.
To live two hundred yeares he's knowne,
(His Age hath two leggs, he but one)
His Wife with Child, from husband flies,
Nor knowes his bed for all his cries.
Themselves are wonders, but in sooth,
This is more wonder then they both.