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Tragicall Tales translated by Tvrbervile

In time of his troubles out of sundrie Italians, with the Argument and Lenuoye to eche Tale

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Vnbrideled youth is prickt to pleasure aye,
And led by lust to follow fansies fyts:
Unskilfull heads runne retchlesse on their way,
Like wylfull coltes that broken haue their bits:
Not lookyng backe, till foultring foote doe faile,
And all consumde that was for their auaile.
Unhappy they, by scathe that purchase skyll,
And learne too late how youth dyd lead awrie:
Unluckie men for wit that follow wyll,
And foule delights in golden prime apply:
More wisedome were ech one to wed a wife,
Than marryed dames to lure to lewder life.
For though that nature let vs runne at large,
And all things made by kynde to common vse:
Yet man must lende an eare to ciuill charge,
That points a baine for euery foule abuse:
And bids (beware pollute no marriage bed)
Without offence let single life be leed.
As honest loue by custome is allowde,
(Both law and reason yeelding to the same
In single wyghts) so parties being vowde
To marryage yoke assaulted are with shame:
Both God and man such sluttysh sutes detest,
The lawfull loue is euen counted best.


Which makes me blame Gentiles rash assault,
On Catilina fayre, from former vowe
Whom he pursude to charge with heauie fault,
And sought to sinne to make this matron bowe:
Yet grace at last preuailde in both so well,
As shee stayd chaste, and he to vertue fell.
His foule desire his lewde and lustfull mynde,
Was cause of lyfe, and wrought a double pleasure:
This beried dame in pit to death had pynde,
Had he not laude, and likt her out of measure,
Thus ill sometime is cause of good successe,
And wicked meanings turne to happines.
Had some rash ympe beene in Gentiles case,
So farre inflamde wyth Beautie of a dame,
And after that had had so fyt a place
To worke his will, and done a deed of shame,
I doubt mee much, hee would haue reapt the frute,
By leaue of force of all hys paynefull sute.
Here all were blest; the mother well reuiude,
The infant borne, the matron full of ruth:
Thrice happy he for being so truly wiude,
Gentile worthie praise for loyall truth.
All louers may hereby example take,
And learne of him blind fansies to forsake.