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Pans Pipe, Three Pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter

With Other Poetical Verses delightfull. For the further delight of the Reader, the Printer hath annexed hereunto the delectable Poeme of the Fisher-mans Tale [by Francis Sabie]

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Faustus , our Odes are done, you must giue reasonable iudgment,
But speake as you think: who made best harmony, Faustus?
Ye haue pip'd all well, and I think, had sacred Apollo
Heard you, he would haue praisde your tunes melodious also:
But which of you made best harmonie, for me to tell you,
Were but a needlesse thing, t'wold breed but brauling among you
Thē let this suffice, you haue al three pip'd very wel now

Wel then I see you feare to offend this company Faustus,
Had Coridon pip'd worst, Coridon should heare it I know wel.

Nay not so, but I loue to shun contention, I would
Haue you agree, for if I should Thestilis harmony commend,
You would at it chafe, and Damon also, so should I
Get me surely two foes, but rather harke to my counsell,
Lets to breakfast go, and lets drinke friendlie together,
So this strife wil end, very bad is hatred amongst vs

I am agreed.

And I.

And I wil not say against it.

Parcite Pierides, iuueni concedite vestro
non valet ad varios unus arator agros:
Musa vale, iuueniq: faue, dominoq; placere,
& tibi, non valeo, Musa iocosa vale.