Comoedia A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?] |
I. |
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C. |
D. |
E. |
F. |
I. |
II. |
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D. |
E. |
III. |
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C. |
D. |
IV. |
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C. |
II. |
V. |
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E. |
III. |
VI. |
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E. |
VII. |
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C. |
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IX. |
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C. |
X. |
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E. |
XI. |
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B. |
C. |
D. |
XII. |
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C. |
D. |
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C. |
D. |
E. |
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C. |
XV. |
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B. |
C. |
XVI. |
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B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
A. |
B. |
C. |
The Second Chapter.
Comoedia | ||
Searcher.I Searcher, am very hardy, and do not feare nor tremble/
And subtiller, then all created Beasts, am I,
God doth both Heart and Neynes ; through Mee; fearth-out and cry:
For I, with nimble Powers; do search both high and lowe.
God doth the Mans Thoughts ; by Mee; fynde-out and knowe.
I am searching, in subtle Fore-cast or wyly Inuencion.
Therfore do they all likewyse, avowe into great Contencion,
Which (without Knowledg of ye Trueth) do fondly Mee beleeue.
But so long as Playne-and-iust, no care to Mee doth geeue/
And that his Thoughts/to ye Searching, do not bende their Lust/
Then it shall at al-tymes, go-well with Playne-and-iust.
I Playne-and-iust, liue quyetly, in my Degree.
Playne-and-iust, hath God almighty, created Mee.
My Customable-dealing, is for Plant and Till.
In God may I tryumph, in ioyful-maner still/
With my Thougts: which are to helpe me ; in my Power; alwaye.
Therfore also am I to her ; with my gentil Loue; inclyned:
For God hath gott her out of Mee, and her to me assyned:
To the intent that wee ; as his louely Company;
Shoulde keepe his godly Plantings, that they mought growe and multiply.
I Cogitacions ; in Gods Kingdom; am doutles very Meeke.
I do not fayle or decaye, in Ioyful-solace sweete.
Playne-and-iust is appoynted, the Headd of my Dealing.
With Playne-and-iust therfore, is my Course-of-walking.
For God hath ioyned me to him, together for to dwell.
And Playne-and iust likewyse, contenteth mee right well.
We keepe ourselues together, as one-anothers Mate.
What God doth ioyne together, shall noman seperate.
I do not fayle or decaye, in Ioyful-solace sweete.
Playne-and-iust is appoynted, the Headd of my Dealing.
With Playne-and-iust therfore, is my Course-of-walking.
For God hath ioyned me to him, together for to dwell.
And Playne-and iust likewyse, contenteth mee right well.
We keepe ourselues together, as one-anothers Mate.
What God doth ioyne together, shall noman seperate.
Thus liue we heere at libertee/in Peace exceeding greate,
But of the Tree of Knowledg, we may in no wyse eate:
Because that wee in al things, may haue good Succession.
But of the Tree of Knowledg, we may in no wyse eate:
Because that wee in al things, may haue good Succession.
The Second Chapter.
Comoedia | ||