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The Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge made by Andrew Borde

... A Compendyous Regyment or A Dyetary of Helth made in Mountpyllier, compyled by Andrewe Boorde ... Barnes in the Defence of the Berde: a Treatyse made, answerynge the Treatyse of Doctor Borde vpon Berdes: Edited, with a life of Andrew Boorde, and large extracts from his Breuyary by F. J. Furnivall

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The .xvii. chapter treateth of the kyngdom of Boeme, and of the dysposycion of the people of the countre, of theyr monye, and speche.
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The .xvii. chapter treateth of the kyngdom of Boeme, and of the dysposycion of the people of the countre, of theyr monye, and speche.

I Am of the kyngdome of Boeme,
I do not tel al men what I do meane;
For the popes curse I do lytle care;
The more the fox is cursed, the better he doth fare.
Euer sens Wyclif dyd dwel wyth me,
I dyd neuer set by the popes auctorite.
In certayn articles Wyclif dyd not wel,
To reherse them now I nede not to tell,
For of other matters I do speke of nowe;
Yf we do not wel, God spede the plow!
Of our apparrel we were neuer nyce;
We be content yf our cotes be of fryce.