University of Virginia Library



O God, from Thee we would not stray:
Reveal to us Thyself, the Way!
Recall us, claim us when we roam!
Thou art our country and our home.
With Thee, in Thee alone is rest:
Thou art our East, and Thou our West.
Our little lives of Thine are part:
No boundaries bar us from Thy heart.
Through starless night, through mist and gale,
Thou art the shore toward which we sail;
We bid farewell to friends most kind,
But never leave Thy love behind.
It perfumes every foreign flower;
It brightens every homesick hour;
It greets us in the stranger's eye,
With the heart's question and reply.
For none are alien, none are strange,
Met in the Love that cannot change;
We all are brethren in Thy Son—
The Father and the children one.
O Christ, Thou art the atmosphere
Of heaven, breathed into mortals here!
Sharing Thy holy sacrifice
We live, and sin within us dies.


Be in us! Let Thy Spirit strong
Inspire towards good, and win from wrong;
Save us from base and sinful strife,
And draw us closer, life to life!
We are but orphans, Lord, till we
Thine in each other's face can see;
O shelter us, below, above,
In Thy great heights and depths of Love!